I will never be able to fathom GOD's infinite love for me, only to except this extraordinary gift of unconditional love & friendship, I have been blessed with.
My talks with HIM are every morning, every night, here, there, and in between.
I have always enjoyed the Heavens at night & look to the stars. This magnificent portrait of celestial bodies that GOD paints for us every sunset. But not to take away HIS amazing sunrise as well.
A heavenly phenomena that can be observed throughout the universe.
Not just for its beauty, but for the ancients, and the ancestors; it was a way of telling time.
And for us; to explore its splendors.
My first shooting star (since I haven't saw one in years) seen from HIM was a warm spring night.
I was some what nervous that week as I was scheduled for surgery in two days so I needed some reassurance all would go well.
Oh....we've had "our talks" about this for some time, but now it was becoming a reality and I needing HIS blessings.
Before long, as I was talking and looking into the starry southern sky, there it came--A beautiful shooting star!!! It zoomed in front of me, so brilliant, so close!
I was in awe--I knew this was my blessed omen, a gift signifying, "All would go well."
And it did.
I told a couple of friends about my starry omen and they said how lucky I was to see one,and also being a good sign
Lately, He has been sending me shooting stars replying to my question & appreciation for HIS Majesty, HIS Greatness.
During the warm weather I will go outside to speak with HIM and always, gazing lovingly at HIS work of art..HIS celestial canvas.
I would say to HIM: "You know FATHER, ..what a glorious sky. No other artist can paint as you.
As I would continue to admire HIS creation looking and feeling connected, very close to HIM this time.
Then I said: " We as humans haven't even begin to understand you.. your essence, have we?"
"You are the GOD of all creeds aren't you?" Its just that everybody has a different name for you."
But, "The GOD of Israel IS GOD."
No sooner had I said that, there was my answer--another remarkable shooting star right in front of me...again!!!!
I cryed, knelt down on my one good knee and said, "Wow! You do listen to me don't you." You love me, I know..."
Afterwards when I went back inside I told my friend about my second star. She thought it was a miracle.
"Really??? " "Two shooting stars for you, wow........" "What do you think that means?"
"That HE listens & HE loves me," I replied.
And once again just recently I was outside in the evening having my talks with HIM. As I looked up to the sky I noticed there wasn't too many stars and I did mention that to HIM.
But then I noticed it was just after sunset so I said, that was probably the reason "why" as there were no clouds in sight.
So there we were talking and me gazing all corners of the earth.
I then said to HIM, "Hey FATHER would I be showing off if I asked for a third shooting star?"
I kinda laughed to myself, and don't know why, but...
Immediately after I said that, I was looking in the western skies when, zoooommmm!!! There it was--just for me!!! I laughed and cryed; laughed & cryed.
When I went inside to tell my friend, she looked at me in awe. I cant even begin to describe her expression this time. "A third time???" .
The intrinsic brightness of a star, is GOD. HIS omnipotence, fathomless.....................
As I ponder about my magical omens of the night skies, I remembered the story of Elijah.
A wonderful story about how GOD does listen to us.
The story of The Prophet Elijah whom GOD had sent to prove to a certain King "Ahab" (who was residing over Israel) that there was no other gods.
Ahab had provoked the anger of The LORD because his wife Jezebel who was a worshiper of Baal, persuaded him to build an altar to the false god.
So GOD had Elijah to put Ahab to a test. Two altars were built; one to JEHOVAH and one to Baal.
So Elijah then asked Ahab & his priests to call upon their god to send down fire to ignite the altar...But, to no avail.
Elijah asked them to call louder, maybe their god was "mediating", or on a "journey" or "sleeping." Still no answer.
Then Elijah called upon the Lord GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. Fire immediately came down and burnt up the offering. ZAAABAMMMM!!!!
THE GOD ALMIGHTY OF ISRAEL IS GOD!!! The Supreme Being of all cultures, creeds; who looks upon HIS creation with a steady understanding, and who has no trouble contemplating the face of us.
I know GOD is great and HE has deep feelings for us, infinite love, and a passion to explore our heart, like no other.
For who else would send HIS only SON to walk among us..love us..teach us...die for us.
None, but HE.
"I am always with you," says The LORD JESUS. "Always" HIS spirit dwells within us, the core of our strength. Through spirit we can converse with HIM, "All the time." "Walk with HIM all the time."
My mother said that we needed a preacher, priest, pope to talk with GOD. "No!" and I beg to differ.
We ourselves, through our spirit have a vibrant connection with The Almighty, a reason for our being. And that connection is JESUS. The CHRIST Our LORD.
It is said that we have about 100 billion neurons in our brain. It is also said that that happens to be the approximate number of stars in the Milky Way. "Coincidence?"
As the magic dictum reminds us: "As above, so below." The energy that holds everything is linked to everything and GOD IS EVERYTHING.
HE is with us always. Healing and transforming people. He can dust off faded dreams; turn water into wine. Feed thousands people with just a few loaves of bread; and a love for us that cannot be measured.
The GOD we know on this planet, this universe, goes by many names.
Nevertheless, HE is GOD, Our FATHER, our Master in the Sky and there is none like HE. AMEN!
And "As the deer panteth for water, so my soul longeth after Thee."
Drink the magic of GOD'S everlasting love and you will never thirst.
"Its very important to know where we came from because at the end we always return there."
As above what is above, so below.
So it is and so shall it be.

My talks with HIM are every morning, every night, here, there, and in between.
I have always enjoyed the Heavens at night & look to the stars. This magnificent portrait of celestial bodies that GOD paints for us every sunset. But not to take away HIS amazing sunrise as well.
A heavenly phenomena that can be observed throughout the universe.
Not just for its beauty, but for the ancients, and the ancestors; it was a way of telling time.
And for us; to explore its splendors.
My first shooting star (since I haven't saw one in years) seen from HIM was a warm spring night.
I was some what nervous that week as I was scheduled for surgery in two days so I needed some reassurance all would go well.
Oh....we've had "our talks" about this for some time, but now it was becoming a reality and I needing HIS blessings.
Before long, as I was talking and looking into the starry southern sky, there it came--A beautiful shooting star!!! It zoomed in front of me, so brilliant, so close!
I was in awe--I knew this was my blessed omen, a gift signifying, "All would go well."
And it did.
I told a couple of friends about my starry omen and they said how lucky I was to see one,and also being a good sign
Lately, He has been sending me shooting stars replying to my question & appreciation for HIS Majesty, HIS Greatness.
During the warm weather I will go outside to speak with HIM and always, gazing lovingly at HIS work of art..HIS celestial canvas.
I would say to HIM: "You know FATHER, ..what a glorious sky. No other artist can paint as you.
As I would continue to admire HIS creation looking and feeling connected, very close to HIM this time.
Then I said: " We as humans haven't even begin to understand you.. your essence, have we?"
"You are the GOD of all creeds aren't you?" Its just that everybody has a different name for you."
But, "The GOD of Israel IS GOD."
No sooner had I said that, there was my answer--another remarkable shooting star right in front of me...again!!!!
I cryed, knelt down on my one good knee and said, "Wow! You do listen to me don't you." You love me, I know..."
Afterwards when I went back inside I told my friend about my second star. She thought it was a miracle.
"Really??? " "Two shooting stars for you, wow........" "What do you think that means?"
"That HE listens & HE loves me," I replied.
And once again just recently I was outside in the evening having my talks with HIM. As I looked up to the sky I noticed there wasn't too many stars and I did mention that to HIM.
But then I noticed it was just after sunset so I said, that was probably the reason "why" as there were no clouds in sight.
So there we were talking and me gazing all corners of the earth.
I then said to HIM, "Hey FATHER would I be showing off if I asked for a third shooting star?"
I kinda laughed to myself, and don't know why, but...
Immediately after I said that, I was looking in the western skies when, zoooommmm!!! There it was--just for me!!! I laughed and cryed; laughed & cryed.
When I went inside to tell my friend, she looked at me in awe. I cant even begin to describe her expression this time. "A third time???" .
The intrinsic brightness of a star, is GOD. HIS omnipotence, fathomless.....................
As I ponder about my magical omens of the night skies, I remembered the story of Elijah.
A wonderful story about how GOD does listen to us.
The story of The Prophet Elijah whom GOD had sent to prove to a certain King "Ahab" (who was residing over Israel) that there was no other gods.
Ahab had provoked the anger of The LORD because his wife Jezebel who was a worshiper of Baal, persuaded him to build an altar to the false god.
So GOD had Elijah to put Ahab to a test. Two altars were built; one to JEHOVAH and one to Baal.
So Elijah then asked Ahab & his priests to call upon their god to send down fire to ignite the altar...But, to no avail.
Elijah asked them to call louder, maybe their god was "mediating", or on a "journey" or "sleeping." Still no answer.
Then Elijah called upon the Lord GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. Fire immediately came down and burnt up the offering. ZAAABAMMMM!!!!
THE GOD ALMIGHTY OF ISRAEL IS GOD!!! The Supreme Being of all cultures, creeds; who looks upon HIS creation with a steady understanding, and who has no trouble contemplating the face of us.
I know GOD is great and HE has deep feelings for us, infinite love, and a passion to explore our heart, like no other.
For who else would send HIS only SON to walk among us..love us..teach us...die for us.
None, but HE.
"I am always with you," says The LORD JESUS. "Always" HIS spirit dwells within us, the core of our strength. Through spirit we can converse with HIM, "All the time." "Walk with HIM all the time."
My mother said that we needed a preacher, priest, pope to talk with GOD. "No!" and I beg to differ.
We ourselves, through our spirit have a vibrant connection with The Almighty, a reason for our being. And that connection is JESUS. The CHRIST Our LORD.
It is said that we have about 100 billion neurons in our brain. It is also said that that happens to be the approximate number of stars in the Milky Way. "Coincidence?"
As the magic dictum reminds us: "As above, so below." The energy that holds everything is linked to everything and GOD IS EVERYTHING.
HE is with us always. Healing and transforming people. He can dust off faded dreams; turn water into wine. Feed thousands people with just a few loaves of bread; and a love for us that cannot be measured.
The GOD we know on this planet, this universe, goes by many names.
Nevertheless, HE is GOD, Our FATHER, our Master in the Sky and there is none like HE. AMEN!
And "As the deer panteth for water, so my soul longeth after Thee."
Drink the magic of GOD'S everlasting love and you will never thirst.
"Its very important to know where we came from because at the end we always return there."
As above what is above, so below.
So it is and so shall it be.

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