Today I honored my friend, my totem, The Owl. I laided him to rest finally after a long confinement, imprisoned in his own body through means of taxidermy. Although I was not the captor of this polyurethane mannequin, I take fault in keeping him yet in his shadowy vague crypt, enclosing his wisdom and freedom of his great spirit. "Buried alive" I suppose... and the irony of that, since one definition of the Owl is 'Death and rebirth; releasing that which has outlived its benefit and usefulness.' There was a death, but not one of honor and certainly no revival of the spirit, yet a carcass of oblivion.
The Owl was given to me several years ago by a friend who works for the school district. He was on 'display' for many years in a classroom and one summer a teacher was doing her seasonal clean up and was going to dispose of the owl in the trash can. My friend thought that I might like this poor stuffed bird and brought him to me. Perfect, as I am practioner of the pagan arts and could use the owl as my guide, my totem in my magic. Not really understanding just excally what he did represent, so seeing him mounted I was side blinded and dishonored him even more. It wasn't untill I meant up with a dear friend who is very knowledgeable in the indigenous ways, did I understand what the "owl" truely meant.
The Owl represents wisdom, it sees and knows the truth. Native Americans see the owl as a symbol of the soul. Because of the owl's keen eyesight it is considered to be a great visionary. It also has super hearing and as a totem it can reveal clairaudient and clairvoyant abilities. The owl is the "The Keeper of Dark Secrets." The owl totem has a connection to the dark side and the dead. The owl is associated with superstition and magical powers. When you have lost your way the owl will guide you back to your path and wisdom. Also, if a secret is shared with you in confidence, the owl serves as a reminder to honor that knowledge and keep the secret private. Things I took for granted along with my owl, my totem, my friend.
Now as I transtition, my rebirth is clearing the way for new spiritual awarness and development. To begin anew with fresh insight, purpose; to take heart even in the smallest hope, and have the self-confidence to pursue it.
As I laided my owl in the earth this late afternoon, I took care in his burial. I cleansed him with sage and wrapped him in a cloth, a bag and also cleansed the ground where I laid his shell to rest...finally. I said a solemn prayer and wished his spirit's journey into the sky, somewhere higher, past the light of the stars and the cold moon night. I asked that he would leave yet some of his wisdom so that i may continue to manifest the goals and dreams in my heart; to tap into my unconscious power with creativity and make things happen--good things. To bring opposites together and work towards new peace and harmony. To solve my problems with hard work and a strong will, looking to the heavens for needed faith and trust. And finally, I asked that he would in spirit, to continue guiding my imagination, intutition, and magic. Also, keeping one of his wings as a instrument, a tool for my rituals/ceremonies. Although I will miss seeing him, I hope I have finally brought honor to his death.
To friend, my totem, The Owl: "As above what is above,
so below, so it is,
so it shall be."
--- You are finally free. LJS
The Owl was given to me several years ago by a friend who works for the school district. He was on 'display' for many years in a classroom and one summer a teacher was doing her seasonal clean up and was going to dispose of the owl in the trash can. My friend thought that I might like this poor stuffed bird and brought him to me. Perfect, as I am practioner of the pagan arts and could use the owl as my guide, my totem in my magic. Not really understanding just excally what he did represent, so seeing him mounted I was side blinded and dishonored him even more. It wasn't untill I meant up with a dear friend who is very knowledgeable in the indigenous ways, did I understand what the "owl" truely meant.
The Owl represents wisdom, it sees and knows the truth. Native Americans see the owl as a symbol of the soul. Because of the owl's keen eyesight it is considered to be a great visionary. It also has super hearing and as a totem it can reveal clairaudient and clairvoyant abilities. The owl is the "The Keeper of Dark Secrets." The owl totem has a connection to the dark side and the dead. The owl is associated with superstition and magical powers. When you have lost your way the owl will guide you back to your path and wisdom. Also, if a secret is shared with you in confidence, the owl serves as a reminder to honor that knowledge and keep the secret private. Things I took for granted along with my owl, my totem, my friend.
Now as I transtition, my rebirth is clearing the way for new spiritual awarness and development. To begin anew with fresh insight, purpose; to take heart even in the smallest hope, and have the self-confidence to pursue it.
As I laided my owl in the earth this late afternoon, I took care in his burial. I cleansed him with sage and wrapped him in a cloth, a bag and also cleansed the ground where I laid his shell to rest...finally. I said a solemn prayer and wished his spirit's journey into the sky, somewhere higher, past the light of the stars and the cold moon night. I asked that he would leave yet some of his wisdom so that i may continue to manifest the goals and dreams in my heart; to tap into my unconscious power with creativity and make things happen--good things. To bring opposites together and work towards new peace and harmony. To solve my problems with hard work and a strong will, looking to the heavens for needed faith and trust. And finally, I asked that he would in spirit, to continue guiding my imagination, intutition, and magic. Also, keeping one of his wings as a instrument, a tool for my rituals/ceremonies. Although I will miss seeing him, I hope I have finally brought honor to his death.
To friend, my totem, The Owl: "As above what is above,
so below, so it is,
so it shall be."
--- You are finally free. LJS