Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"One Brief Shinning moment." THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY

I watched in silence; I watched with the heart of a wo-man but through the eyes of a man.

I was watching the movie, "The Bridges Of Madison County, starring" Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep.

Eastwood made me smile, touched me, as I remembering first seeing him in the classic 1959 western television show, "Rawhide." Other movies and one of my favorites, portraying Detective Callahan, "Dirty Harry, "Go ahead, make my day."

To my surprise he pulled this one off phenomenally! A sensitive lover.. yet strong; a man with true convictions, with "The Old Fashion Bleeding Heart." Chivalrous, gallant & honorable. "True love"... if only "For one brief shinning moment." He loved her...and he died loving her.

As for Meryl Streep, a four star actress and winning her 10th Oscar nomination for her portrayal of a mundane Iowa housewife. "Stellar performance," I must admit.

Francesca Johnson is left alone as her husband and children leave for the State Fair in Illinois for four days.

Falling deeply, passionately, her heart swooning recklessly in a vortex of endless love with another man.

Robert Kincaid a photographer travels on assignment to Madison County, Iowa, to shoot covered bridges for the National Geographic. He meets Francesca
"coincidentally" as he has lost his way looking for one of the bridges and ends up at the Johnson Farm. He asks her for directions she agrees to show him, "reluctantly."

Eventually the two fall in love, share a rare and sentiment romance lasting only four days.

Perhaps it was her heart's desire to quench her "first love." Something, she for a lack of better words 'bargained, sold' long ago for a chance to be in America. Marrying Richard, an Iowa Farmer, for that opportunity as he was an American in the US Army in Italy.
The four brief and magic days are a turning point for Francesca and Robert never thought such a love could be found, must less that it existed.

No one ever knew of Francesca's clandestine love affair until her death which was discovered by her children. They were "stunned" as they went through their mother's belongings. Finding pictures that someone had taken of her; along with last wishes and finally her journals of four days.

From the moment Robert & Francesca encountered one another, something awaken, aroused, the deep emotions that lay dormant long ago within their subconscious.

Maybe, "they were a couple who remembered they once shared a true love. A love blessed so strong that it would last for many lifetimes."

A love that could reach across eternity weaving through the karmic pattern of the Great Universe. With luck and chance, two souls woven into the cosmic dance of destine partnership, 'Heaven on Earth.'

Finally the end had to come, Robert & Francesca had to part; they fight because he has to leave but... he gives her the option to go with him.

She packs, but sadly realizing leaving with him would only take from the love they shared. So she stays.. Sacrificing for her children and her bittersweet marriage to Richard.

Robert is crushed and broken; they both are as he leaves never to return until his death. His ashes are sent to her, to be thrown over that fateful bridge that connected them in this life and before.

Robert said it best before he left her and I quote; "I'll only say this one time..I've never said it before." "This kind of certainty, comes but just once in a lifetime."

Yes it does. Just.. "One brief shinning moment," written forever in the ancient Heavens.

And like the Heavens, "True love,"has no boundaries...........................................

A strong and powerful message about unexpected forks in the road: "Do what you have to do to be happy in this life."

"I asked GOD for all things that I might enjoy life. I was given LIFE that I might enjoy all things."

A lesson well learned about the mystery and beauty of LOVE.


1 comment:

melissa dey hasbrook said...

heartfelt and tender post, lucas! haven't seen that one in awhile, but it does stir emotional ripples. glad to see you writing!