Monday, August 30, 2010

Vada Mecum

Pretty picture isn't it?

A lovely girl on a on summer day.

It's going to be different this time though.

Worst---I can feel it.

This time, one of you wants to keep her.

But how can you, if I won't let her go.

You all are dead to her, and there is no point.

She has the ability to become someone else, but then, so do I.

It's not insanity, it's not insane.

It's just the openness in her.

She's like a vacancy available to others.

She's like an Inn with an empty room.

And for a time, someone lives there, lives in her.

But eventually they leave and she stays.

And Oh how I like it.

These colors and changes in mood that make her.

Oh, I have been terrified of losing her, but never bored.

She asks me to take her somewhere, like "Camelot" and I do because "I've" been there before with her.

And when it happens, she's always herself afterwards.

It's like being snow blind when you love someone.

You can't see, it doesn't matter.

"Do you think there is something wrong with me?" she asks.

"I"......think your perfect." And I am the only one that does.

Every day and every night we look for a summer house, why?

Is it you? Are you there? Who are you this time?

She likes graveyards, so do I. "The whispers......"

It's as though she trys to escape velocity, she won't go.

She's full of life. Full of love.

It wouldn't be fun if it wasn't her way.

Then it's no good.

She only did it because it was fun for us.

Better than being like everyone else.

Well it's our game: we made it up.

It's our way.

So we play.. we live in Camelot.

And we will live in one place.

Uninhabited... within ourselves.

"Vade Mecum/Go With Me," She whispers.

"I will be your Queen... and you...My King."