Thursday, October 21, 2010


"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is of the unknown." H.P. Lovecraft

As a young boy growing up under my grandmother's wing and 'haunted house,' "I do believe."
Have I ever seen a ghost? Well, no, but I have felt and heard the unexplained noises; I don't have to see something to know it exists.

Even though ours is the age of science, I find it very interesting how we are so intrigued with the supernatural. Spirits are as ancient and mysterious as the stars and the moon AND YET STILL haunting the present.

Ghost Lab, Ghost Hunters, The Haunted, Paranormal Activity, Paranormal State, and not to mentioned the millions of books, movies.

Stories that contradict everything that is rational and scientific for too long now.
For centuries many people have reported too many things for us to ignore them. Most of the time, cast aside as lunacies of madmen, schizophrenics, and over-active imaginations.

Almost every society has a class of people who believe or communicate with spirits of the dead. They saw, heard, or felt "something." What was it? Spirits? Ghosts? And if not...what???

My ancestors are great believers in the afterlife and celebrate "Dia de los Muertos" every November 1st, & 2nd. Very impressive preparations & parties begin on Halloween.

Combining Pagan & Christian elements believing that it is possible to speak to the deceased.

Families gather, feast, make and decorate graphic & macabre depictions of sugar skulls, skeleton breads, but especially skulls.

We hold picnics, prayers, meals and tell stories at the grave sites of our beloved who have passed to the Great Beyond.

Through our beliefs, Death is a transition from one life to another in different levels where communication exists between the living and the dead.
Most religions believe that the soul is eternal and survives the death of the body.

Albert Einstein taught that energy like matter could be neither created nor destroyed. It could merely be converted or transformed, from one state to another.

-Thomas Edison worked on a device late in his career to detect and communicate with the soul.

Ouija boards, spirits boards marked with letters and symbols used in communicating with the dead.
Ouija believers feel that the paranormal/supernatural are responsible for the Ouija's actions.

So why do we believe??? Because our beliefs are based upon our own personal experiences.
In hopes that somewhere between this world and the next there is a place where life & death have no boundries.

There must be a divine point to it all; and hoping faith has its rewards.

A ghost is the soul or spirit of a deceased person (or animal) manifesting itself to the living and one day we too shall die. So we would like to think that dead is not THE END but the beginning again, a transformation of rebirth.

Everything of this world reaches its peak; when the body can no longer function as the vessel of the soul, death occurs and the soul moves on to a new home.

Mysterious and exploratory...curious and questioning and now Samhain is here, Season of the Soul.
A time when the other side of the labyrinth grows thin and the misty veils between the worlds part.

"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore---
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.

"Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door---

Only this and nothing more." Edgar Allan Poe, "The Raven." BOOOOOHAHAHAHAHA!

As so it is~LJLS



Sabrina said...

Feliz dia de los Muertos mi amor! Tonight your Grandmother and my Grandfather are honored and celebrated along with all the other Beloveds that have crossed our paths. I send you love and light and vision for the new steps you walk. May the ancestors and who we once were echo in your soul and know that you are never alone and always loved.

Melissa Dey Hasbrook said...

i really like this post, lucas! i bet you have a lot of stories connected with this time of year, the honoring of ancestors. people would benefit from hearing them. thanks again for sharing.

Mystery of mysteries said...

Thank you Sabrina and I hope my new steps take me traveling great distances liberating me once and for all.

Yeah Melissa we have to get together soon over coffee, I think I want to share this one on FB.