Saturday, May 3, 2014

"The Bench In The Woods." ~by Lucas J. Salazar.

   Restless dreams that I have sown
  Here again I sit alone

  I see the bench, I take my seat
  Asleep, asleep... here in the woods,
  So dark, so deep

  Ominous shadows the trees have cast
  Silhouettes without voice, without mask

And yet they bespeak whispers, moans;
in soothing serpentine  tones.

My lucid charmer, so sweet, so sublime
At it's command I peel off my armor
Distorting space, distorting time

A paradox of twists and turns
As I travel to unravel,
The untangible spurned

Restless dreams the ones that creep
Without cause, without reason, they reap

Here on the bench so dark, so deep
As I sleep, as I sleep...


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